Monday, June 6, 2011

God's forgiveness is conditional

Relationship With God - God's Forgiveness is Conditional

  • failing to love and honor God;
  • failing to believe God's love;
  • living independent of God;
  • seeking fulfillment in things or others;
  • trying to do things for God to earn His acceptance;
  • believing God is more interested in our behavior than in a relationship with us;
  • being spiritually proud passed on our performance, abilities, or sacrifice.

Viewing God's forgiveness as incomplete or conditional results in our:

• believing God is angry with us and holding our sins against us;

• viewing ourselves as being on parole instead of fully pardoned;

• feeling emotional guilt and fearing punishment, which creates the distance in our relationship with God; and

• continually asking God for forgiveness but never experiencing the peace His total forgiveness brings.

By Coach Teresa Morin - Anxious2Victorious Women 12-week program, or

Touch of God International Ministries - a Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry - Setting the Captives Free